Henson Crisp are combatting climate change with Carma
At our investment seminar in October we announced some positive news – we are joining forces with Carma to combat climate change. Carma aims to make a positive social and environmental impact – through tree planting.
Carma’s mission is to make every transaction create positive action. They’re not doing it alone. They’re putting the power in the hands of individuals and businesses and Carma makes it easier than ever to do good and feel great about it. Carma believes that doing good makes you feel good.
Plus, by partnering with the Green Task Force for all of Carma’s UK tree planting, they’re helping veterans on a pathway to meaningful employment. Something that is very close to their founders’ hearts.
The Green Task Force
All of Carma’s UK trees are planted by veterans via The Green Task Force. This is a subsidiary of the UK Charity the PATT Foundation and was established to solve a number of prominent issues surrounding both the environment and our veterans.
A staggering 6% of serving & former serving personnel, and 17% of those that have been in a combat situation are suffering from some form of PTSD. Service leavers also suffer a lot of stress & anxiety when transitioning from the service.
It has been proven that getting veterans involved in Nature Based Therapy (NBT) has a positive effect on their mental health.
What Trees Does Carma Plant
In the UK:
Carma does extensive research into what type of tree will be best for the area they plant in. This detailed and meticulous method allows them to maximise success and impact on the environment.
Carma plants a diverse range of trees such as Oak, Beech, Birch, Ash and Willow.
To maintain healthy ecosystems and avoid monoculture, they run a biodiversity survey to ensure they assess the site’s condition such as soil type, water availability and sunlight exposure. Some tree species are better adapted to certain conditions than others, so we choose trees that will thrive in each site’s specific condition.
For overseas trees, Carma works with the Eden Reforestation project who plant in many communities across the world – such as Kenya and Brazil. Therefore, they plant trees that are native to the area. For example, in Madagascar, they planted Mangrove in order to develop a Mangrove forest and a healthy aquatic ecosystem.
We are excited to see the positive impact achieved by this partnership and look forward to updating you on the positive impact being made around the world.
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