Trusts are a way of managing assets (money, investments, land or buildings) for people. They can be a useful method of preserving wealth, by allowing assets to be passed down through the generations in a secure and tax-efficient manner.
Trusts are set up for a number of reasons, including:
- To control and protect family assets
- When someone is too young to handle their affairs
- When someone cannot handle their affairs because they are incapacitated
- To pass on assets while you are still alive
- To pass on assets when you die (a ‘will trust’)
- Under the rules of inheritance if someone dies without a will (in England and Wales)
The Financial Conduct Authority do not regulate advice on wills, Powers of Attorney or trusts.
How Can I Benefit from Trust Planning?
Trust Planning helps you to manage assets for the future, so that you can plan ahead and know that taxation is being mitigated. It can provide significant tax planning opportunities, as well as protect your beneficiaries from a range of future risks to their finances.
A Trust’s main value can be to keep your estate out of probate after your death. Since trusts usually avoid probate, your beneficiaries may access these assets quicker than they might access assets that are transferred using a will.
Comprehensive trust planning can help reduce tax, prevent loss to an estate and of course ensure that generations can benefit from family wealth. Trust planning can be set up during your lifetime or upon death. Trusts can help to avoid the need for probate, preserve wealth for generations and of course save tax.
Henson Crisp are affiliate members of STEP (society of trusts and estate planning). We can advise on a broad range of trust planning, that can protect your needs and the needs of your beneficiaries. We also work closely with legal professionals in preserving your wealth.
Holistic Financial Solutions
At Henson Crisp we provide holistic financial solutions. Basically, this means that we see the bigger picture. So while we may be advising you on a suitable pension, at the same time we are looking at your earnings, your estate (your home and assets) and making sure that all your assets are working together to be as tax-efficient as possible.
Your Henson Crisp financial planner will advise you to fully utilise your annual personal savings and capital gains tax allowances, saving potentially thousands of pounds. Your planner will also provide advice on products including:
- Individual savings accounts (ISAs).
- Tax-efficient savings for children.
- Personal pensions and self-invested personal pensions (SIPPs).
- Estate planning and creating trusts.
- Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) and Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS).
Tax Planning is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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